Download this Impact vs Effort Matrix Objective: Assist in prioritising improvement ideas Format: PDF document What it does: This tool assists provides a visual depiction of improvement opportunities based on estimated impact and effort to assist in choosing the best...
Download this SIPOC Tool Objective: Identify all elements of a process (to assist with mapping and improving the process). Format: PDF document What it does: This tool assists development of the key components of a process. It looks at each process from end to end to...
Download this Skills Matrix and make it your own. How to use: Fill your company and team details in the set up sheet Update your staff details (if you have more than 20 staff I suggest you split by team) Update your activities (add all activities) Tactical = daily...
How to get successful outcomes. Process driven, incentives may not provide the result you...
Vlog that touches on how BMW look at process change.